August 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Family Reunion 2010

We had a very memorable family reunion this year. It included family pictures, Glenn's Eagle Court of Honor and Sacrament meeting before his mission, time together at Macks Inn, some fishing and going to the temple. The best way to share it is with a slide show.

Rexburg Temple August 17, 2010

One of the favorite days of my life was the day that all of my children were able to be with in the temple together. This occurred when Glenn went to the Rexburg Temple prior to beginning his mission. It was a little picture out of what I see heaven to be.

Garden Time

Scott and I enjoy discussing our the progress of garden with our children and grandchildren. As time for our family reunion grew near this summer, we thought that it would be fun to have a dinner from our garden when our family gathered. We invited Ethan, Ashlynn and Brynlee to help us pick the peas, dig carrots, onions and potatoes. They were delicious along with roast beef for Sunday dinner.

Continuing the Tradition

Last month I was able to host granddaughters Ashlynn and Brynlee for a few days of 'Grandma Time'. We expanded the 'to do list' to include riding the horses and going to the Missoula Fair and Rodeo. When Ethan came on Saturday we taught him how to catch grasshoppers.

Petting pigs at the fair!

Scott, Brett, Breyson, Jinni, Brynlee, and Ashlynn at the rodeo.

Ashlynn, Brynlee and Ethan catching grasshoppers in the pasture.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

On My Honor

Every once in a while a mother has a dream and now and then that dream comes true. I had always wanted Glenn's older brothers to be able to help present his Eagle Scout Award to him. It took a year after Glenn completed his project and Eagle Board of Review to have them all in the same place at the same time. It turned out to be pretty cool - even if I do say so myself! Each of the brothers (and brother-in-law) shared a little of the value of being an Eagle Scout. They included things like building character traits, belonging to an exclusive group, leadership skills and guaranteed a cute wife!
Brayden presented the Eagle scarf,
Wes the scarf slide,

Allen the pin,

and Brett a bronze palm.

Our Mackay Family Eagles Nest!

Glenn and his Young Men Leader, Kim.
Mackay boys pointing to their name on the Eagle plaque.

Scott, Alaine and Glenn