Welcoming Justin and Joshua
Justin, Jenny Joshua and Allen
Spencer and Ethan get to meet Joshua.
Justin spent a little time lookin' cool
under the bilirubin light.
Mackays and Steeds gather for their
blessing day.
As a fun side note - Joshua and Justin are each wearing a part of the blessing outfit that Allen wore and each a part of a new outfit created by Grandma Mackay.
We were so busy at our April visit that when we got home we realized that we didn't have any pictures with Joshua and Justin. So we made sure to get some when we returned for another visit.
Wes and Julie earned the opportunity to attend the National Farm Bureau Convention in Nashville, Tennessee. We were able to spend the weekend with their children and got to watch Mackenzie participate with her drill team.
I was delighted to learn that Allen and his family and Glenn would still be here for the January ski day with Hall School. That meant we could enjoy a day on the slopes and introduce Ethan and Spencer to skiing.
Allen, Scott, Alaine, Jenny, Spencer, Glenn, and Ethan
Ethan getting the hang of skiing.
Allen and Ethan on the lift.
Spencer riding the "Magic Carpet!"
More Family Fun -
It doesn't take much for a family party and as Christmas family time continued, we just moved the location. We gathered next at Allison an Brayden's for Paige's blessing and an afternoon playing in the snow.
Snow Fun
There was plenty of snow for sledding
and a great afternoon of fun.
Paige's Blessing Day
Paige Lindsay on her blessing day,
December 29, 2013.
Brayden, Paige, and Allison
Brayden, Mason, Paige, Allison
Grandpa and Grandma Mackay joined the picture.
Grandma and Paige
Allison, Paige and Aunt Amber
Paige wore the same blessing dress and
booties that Allison wore.